#PRAdvice with Liz Anthony & Suki Mulberg Altamirano
By PressReady Team

Public relations is the practice of managing the release and spread of information between an individual or an organization to the public.The industry is a competitive, challenging career choice, but is also extremely rewarding. In order to succeed, one must work hard and be dedicated to learning. PressReady Co-Founders, Liz Anthony and Suki Mulberg Altamirano, have shared advice and their biggest lessons learned as seasoned PR professionals!
How did you decide to go into the PR industry?
LIZ: I have always been inspired by editorial but never thought about what happens on the other side. After a series of trying out several internships, volunteer positions and part-time jobs a friend convinced me to try PR and move to New York City. They knew I loved relationships and was an effective communicator and resourceful, creative type!
SUKI: I explored several internships in PR during college in New York City. I love writing and thinking about different angles to present things and PR's use of storytelling immediately caught my attention! It felt like a great fit for my love of communicating, catching up with people and thinking about topics from a lot of different points of view.
What is the biggest lesson you have learned as a PR professional?
LIZ: Always be one step ahead because you never know what kind of challenges you may face! Being positive, proactive and a problem solver is a huge part of the job. Every day is different so always be prepared!
SUKI: Never sit on your laurels. PR isn't for the faint of heart. You'll get a lot of rejection pitching stories! That's just the way it goes. Stay nimble and adaptable - that goes for your services and how you're providing value for your clients.
What advice do you have for individuals entering the PR industry?
LIZ: Have an open mind, try new things and maintain relationships every step of the way. Surround yourself with connections at all different levels and roles and remember to keep in touch - always be thoughtful and treat others how you want to be treated yourself!
SUKI: Don't be afraid to jump right in! Writing is essential, so get as much practice as you can. Look for internships to get a feel for how the industry works and to make connections that will help you land your first position. Stay in touch with people along the road and always remember to give before you ask! This pays off so much in the long term.