Hosting Successful Virtual Events for Your Business

By PressReady Team

Hosting Successful Virtual Events for Your Business

Working from home has presented a number of challenges, but don’t let holding events be one of them! It’s more important now than ever to stay connected, and virtual events are a great way to stay in touch while keeping a physical distance. Whether you want to inform your audience on exciting new updates, celebrate a company milestone, or just break up the busy work weeks with something fun, virtual events can be an excellent strategy for your business. Here are some tips on how to host successfully so that your guests are sure to return for your next event! 

Have A Seamless Experience 

We’ve all lived through the uncomfortable moments when a host runs into some technical difficulties on a live call, so don’t let this be you! Make sure that you’re familiar with the technology beforehand so that your guests can get the most out of your event. If you’re working with a new platform or trying new features, it’s always best to do a “dress-rehearsal” too! 

Make it Interactive 

To make your virtual event feel more normal, try incorporating interactive activities. Q&As are a great way for participants to have questions answered in real-time or during breaks, polls can generate engagement by surveying guest opinions, and games are a fun way to bring the group together! 

Add a Theme

Whether you have a certain topic to discuss or just want to be a little more unique, having an overall theme will excite your guests and help to bring the group together. Embrace this theme on your invitations, within the activities or have your guests observe it from home. 

Promote, Promote, Promote!

Get the word out about your event via email or social media postings and follow up accordingly to have a successful assembly. Send out a confirmation email including a button to add-to-calendar so that your event can’t be missed!

Distinguish Your Event 

With all of the different virtual functions happening right now, it’s important that you make your event’s vision stand out from the crowd. Establishing your creative will help to secure attendance and reach your ideal audience. For tips on how to build a strong brand identity, check out our workbook here!


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