Internship Recap

By PressReady Team

Internship Recap

As our insightful time as 2022 winter/spring semester PressReady interns comes to an end we wanted to recap on our time, how we landed this internship, and what we took away from our time here.  We both just wrapped up our junior years of college and maintained this internship throughout our spring semester.  Read on to discover how this internship went for us and all it taught us through the process!

We both came across the PressReady internship while initially looking for a summer internship.  When looking through Public Relations internships we discovered PressReady and since it was a remote position, the description fit what we were looking for so perfectly that we could not pass up the opportunity sooner.  Putting this towards school credit was extremely useful in the final semester of Junior year plus the hands on experience while working remotely! 

One of the biggest pieces of advice we could give is to have a proper and professional looking resume and cover letter when you apply for an internship.  Some priorities we did to get prepared was talk to other people already in the workforce and had them edit and make sure they looked ready to send in with our application.  We also made sure to practice our interview skills and research the company to ensure we were well prepared to talk to the Co-Founder Liz during our interview. Always make sure to follow up and say thanks!

“Interning for PressReady has been the most educational and amazing experience.  I learned so many valuable things throughout my time I can apply to school and my jobs in later life.  I learned how to write blogs which is something I have always wanted to do and how to run a social media account.  I also enjoyed learning how to put together a timeline and all the different parts that go into making a timeline and working with a client.  Collaborating with Liz and Ciara on a weekly basis was my favorite part of this internship and I loved working with a team and being able to share all of our ideas and work together to complete different projects.  The things I learned at PressReady are invaluable to me and I will take them with me on all my future jobs and internships.” - Erin

“It’s been a pleasure working for PressReady and getting to collaborate with Liz Anthony.  I look forward to taking what I’ve learned with me into my job search and applying these strategies to future PR roles I take on. My internship partner, Erin Carlson has also been a great teammate to work with! This team has been absolutely wonderful to work with. I can confidently say I wouldn’t have grown as much as I have these past four months without your feedback and unwavering support. I’ll miss all our weekly team meetings and I look forward to crossing paths again!” - Ciara

It is safe to say that we’ve  both valued and appreciated our time at PressReady more than we ever thought possible and cannot wait to take these strategies with us wherever we go!


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